iAsia Brown: I Am Not Your Diversity Hire

Mike Roberts
12 min readNov 1, 2020

iAsia shared that when talking with candidates they may be the best-qualified person for the job, but you could miss the hire. If you feel that you would have difficulty working with them because of your own biases then you might not hire the best person for the job based on a flawed decision-making process. Technology is experienced-based and you can’t get it all from books because, by the time you’ve read it, it’s already changed.

Don’t hire diverse candidates because you want someone to fill a bucket. If you want someone on your team to challenge you and change the thoughts and the views, add value to your organization, that makes more sense. You have to allow people to make mistakes because if they don’t make mistakes, they’re not going to learn.

Ayesha Brown is a program manager on the fast track for Azure team at Microsoft. She is a veteran of the US Marine Corps and Air Force. iAsia is a customer-obsessed, performance-oriented, global professional with significant experience bridging the gap between Business and Technology. She has a strong background in IT and is an amazing artist.



Mike Roberts

Mike is a serial social entrepreneur, the host of the SnackWalls Podcast, and passionate about helping underrepresented people break into tech.